Composition of the Senate: Power, Committees, and Debates Route of a Bill through Congress Veto Power and Judicial Review
Newest Assignments and Dates (If assignment is online it shall be stated below)
- 03-17-2008 - 03-21-2008 -Spring Break (FREEDOM)
- 03-21-2008 -Art History Outline and images
- Still during spring break: Read Lord of the Flies for techniques/devices, 3 allusions due.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
AP Government: Chap 6-Module
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3/27/2008 11:12:00 PM
Labels: Government, module, outline
Physiology –Muscles Table
FACIAL Name Location Description Action Frontalis Runs vertically on forehead, originates in tissue on scalp Composed of medial & lateral parts Draws eyebrows & skin upward Occipitalus Lips Elevates lips Orbicularis Oris Schimeter muscles around mouth Mucous membrane, muscles inserting into lips Closes lips Obicularis Oculi Around eyes Outer: Medial orbit Palpebral: Palpebal ligament Three parts: Orbitial, Palpebral, & lacrimal Projecting and moistening eyes, expressive displays, constrict skin, reduces opening, closes the eye Zygomatic Major: Cheek bone (near mouth corner) Minor: Lateral part of cheek Inverted by zygomatic & buccal branches Lifts corner of mouth upward (smiling Draws skin of lip upward laterally Levator Labii Superioris Upper lip & cheek Two parts: Nasal & lateral Nasal: Originates near/on cheek bone Lateral: From medial part of orbit Raises upper lip straight up Raises upper lip, stretched nasal wing up, & wrinkles nose Depressor Labii Inferioris Originates in chin part & inserts into skin of lower lip Inverted by mandibular & buccal branches of facial nerve Pulls red parts of lips (lower) straight down & skin of lower lip laterally down Mentalis Part of mandible below the front teeth Associated by mandibular & buccal branches of facial nerve Pushes chin boss upward Buccinator Lips Maxilla & mandible (inserts into) Maintains cheeks near teeth & food in position for chewing Platysma From upper chest through neck to lower cheek Innverted by deep cervical branch of facial nerve Assists in depressing mandible & tightens the fascia of neck Lowers jaw and lip CHEST Sternocladiomastiod Manubrium of sternum Inserts into mastoid process of temporal bone Lateral flexion to same side & rotation to opposite sides Flexion of head & neck Pectoralis Major Sternum to 7th rib Inserts to crest of greater tubercle of humerus Flexion of humerus, extension of humerus returning from flexion Pectoralis Minor 3rd, 4th, & 5th ribs Inserts into caracoid process of scapula Tilts scapula forward, depresses & abducts scapula Deltoid Lateral 1/3 of clavicle Inserts into deltoid tuberousity Abducts the shoulder joint Serratus Anterior Scapula fossa of scapula Inserts into lesser tubercle of humerus Medially rotates shoulder joint Subscapularis Originated at the inner surface of the scapula Inserts into inferios lateral aspect of clavicle Elevates first rib, stabilizes sternoclavicular joint ABDOMINALS Rectus abdominus Front of lower torso This bands of connective tissue Flex the spine Transverse Abdominus Deepest muscle to the core wrap under abs Acts as a natural weight belt Essential for trunk stability as well as keeps stomach tight Internal Obliques Flank rectus abs/ run diagonally no body allowing for angles movement Runs opposite of internal Twisting of torso Rotate torso & stabilizes abs External Obliques Each side of rectus/ run diagonally on body allowing for angled movement Runs opposite of external Twisting/ Rotate torso & stabilizes abs Trapezius Runs down upper section of spinal cord Long, trapezoid shape Scapular elevation Latisimus Dorsi From side of body toward spinal area Attached to the upper humerus to vertebral Largest in back Fan shaped Pulls arm toward pelvis
Posted by
3/27/2008 07:32:00 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
AP Lit. Dante Allusions
Achitophel/Absalom/David According to Christian traditions David was named King over Israel and was chosen by God. He was the youngest son of the shepherd, Jesse, and on day Samuel, a man whom God spoke through, came to Jesse and asked to meet all of his sons, for one of them would be king. Samuel met all young men present at the meeting, and God had told him that none of these men were the one he was looking for. Samuel asked Jesse if these were all of his children, Jesse replied saying that his youngest son was caring for the sheep. The youngest, David, was called before the man of God and right away God told him that David was the one he was looking for. David was anointed by Samuel that very day and from then on God was with him. David's first and most famous victory alongside God occurred when he was still a child. There was a giant named Goliath terrorizing the people of Israel. David took three stones from a brook and his sling and he killed Goliath. David became the most powerful of all the kings and he defeated the enemies of God with ease. David married many women and had many children. One woman he married was Bath-sheba, whom he seduced and impregnated before the death of her husband. When he learned of her pregnancy he had Joab assign her husband, Uriah, to a battle position where he would surely die during battle and, just as planned, he died. This action angered God and after they were married he told David that he would be punished through the death of the Bath-sheba's child. The child died five days later and David was forgiven for his sins. Bath-sheba later had another child, Solomon, who would be king and would have God give him great wisdom. One of David's children was called Absalom. Absalom was handsome and long beautiful ebony hair. Absalom had a sister, Tamar, who was beautiful. His half-brother, Amnon, fell in love with Tamar and tricked her to come to him while he lay in bed pretending to be sick. He raped Tamar and when he was done he was overcome with hatred for his sister and sent her away. She was shamed, for he had taken away the virginity of a daughter of the king. When Absalom heard what Amnon had done he was angered and angered more when David would not punish Amnon for his actions. Absalom tricked Amnon into having dinner with him and all of their brothers and there he killed them and fled to the Geshur, the city of his mother. Achitphel was a very wise advisor to King David. After three years of hiding Absalom returned to the City of David, though they still did see each other. Absalom begins to conspire against his father and raises up an army against the king. Achitphel slips to Absalom's side and David prays to God for him to take away Achitphel's wisdom. Achitphel advises Absalom to take 1200 men and slay David that very night. Absalom is pleased with this advice but also seeks Hushai's advice on the matter. He is told that this plan is not good for the time and he suggests fighting at a later time. The counsel and Absalom all agree that the words of Hushai would be better to follow. When Achitphel realized that his advice was not being followed he returned to the place of his father and hung himself. Hushai, knowing the plan Absalom intended to use to slay David, sent a warning to the king. David sent out an army under Joab and instructed them to deal gently with his son and to bring him back alive. There was a great slaughter as many men were killed. Absalom had been riding upon the back of a mule when he went to meet the servants of David. The mule passed through a thick brush and David hair caught in the thicket and the mule moved out from under him. A man saw this happen and reported to Joab that Absalom was caught hanging in an oak tree, Joab asked his why he did not kill him when he saw this. The man explained that he would not dare touch Absalom against the word of the king. Joab then took three darts and thrust them into the heart of the still living Absalom. Ten men joined Joab and they slew him. Joab sent a priest, who volunteered, to bring David the news of the death of his son. David was left mourning. The reference to David, Absalom, and Achitphel is a biblical allusion Betrand de Born of bolgia 9 in the 8th circle of hell is more or less introducing himself to Dante and explaining who he is and what he did. He says that he encouraged a mutiny. Convinced the son of a king to rebel just Achitphel did with Absalom and David. He is comparing himself and his actions to Achitphel. Achitphel, Absalom, and David are all people taken from the books of I and II Samuel in the bible. David was king of Israel under God with Achitphel as one of his advisors and Absalom was his son. Absalom rebelled against David and Achitphel betrayed David by counseling Absalom, although his advice was not taken and he committed suicide after discovering this. Betrand de Born from bolgia nine compares himself to Achitphel from II Samuel in that he helped raise a rebellion against the king. ". . . it was I who set the young king on to mutiny, son against father, father against son as Achitphel set Absalom against David; and since I parted those who should be one . . ." John the Baptist John the Baptist is described from his birth to his death in the Gospel of Saint Luke. He is the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth, who had once been thought to be barren. His birth was first foretold to Zacharias in his later years by an angel of God. The angel told him that his wife would have a child and that they would name him John. Zacharias did not believe this and so the angel made him mute until his wife gave birth. And indeed, just as the angel had said, the elderly Elisabeth gave birth to a son. When she questioned what he should be named Zacharias burst out the name John, speaking for the first time in nine months. Elisabeth was the cousin of Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. John preached the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins in the country around the Jordan after the word of God came to him in the wilderness. He tells people that he baptizes them with water, but soon one will come who will baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. When Jesus was 30 he came to John to be baptized. John knew immediately and said that it is Jesus who should be baptizing him. On Jesus' insistence John baptized Jesus and when we rose from the water the Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove. John continued his work until Herod imprisoned him. On Herod's birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for him and to repay her he offered anything she wished. Her mother told her to ask for the head of John the Baptist, and so she asked. Though the king was sorry he would not break his oath and so he commanded it be done. So, John was beheaded in the prison and his head was delivered to the dancer who presented it to her mother. This reference to John the Baptist is a biblical allusion. Aretine from the tenth Bolgia of the eighth circle speaks to Dante about him during life and during his explanation he mentions that he learned to stamp the image of John the Baptist onto alloyed gold until he was "bound and burned". John the Baptist is a Saint in the Christian religion. He baptized Jesus and witnessed the Holy Spirit descending upon him. He was beheaded on the orders of King Herod. "Inflexible Justice that has forked and spread My soul like hay, to search it the more closely Finds in the country where my guilt was bred Increase of my grief; for there I learned, There in Romena, to stamp the Baptist's image On alloyed gold-till I was bound and burned." Narcissus Narcissus in Greek mythology was a man who was so vain that he shunned the love of many. One of those was a nymph, Echo. Echo was obsessed with Narcissus, but because of a curse Hera, the queen of the gods, put on her she was unable to speak except for repeating what she heard others say. She followed Narcissus around waiting for him to say something that she could repeat to tell him of her love for him. One day he happened to glance at his reflection and he told himself that he loved him, and Echo quickly repeated his words, but he ignored her. Echo was hurt by his behavior and she hid herself in a cave until she died leaving only her voice behind. Narcissus was put under a curse of his own because of his vanity. He had claimed himself to be more beautiful than the gods. Angered they put a curse on him so that he would love only himself. One day when he stopped his hunting for a drink from a river he caught a glimpse of his reflection and mistook it for a water nymph. He fell madly in love with himself. Narcissus was so in love that he forgot about his thirst and hunger and spent the remained of his days staring into the river begging the water nymph to come out and speak to him until one day he just withered away. The nymphs of the forest mourned for him and in the spot by the river a beautiful flower, the blossom was named for him. The reference to Narcissus is a mythological allusion Narcissus is brought just in conversation. It was stated that it was like looking into the mirror of narcissus, meaning that one would become enveloped in the relfection
Posted by
3/25/2008 06:28:00 AM
Monday, March 24, 2008
AP Government -Media Project
1. Television was a new medium for presidential candidates in 1952. In your opinion, who used this medium to better advantage—Eisenhower or Stevenson? Explain your answer, using details from the spots. Eisenhower used it much better. He aired his ads when more of America was likely to watch and kept his message short and to the point. Which is perfect for the attention span of America. Stevenson aired his late at night and his speeches were long and then still longer than his allotted time. 2. What concerns does a candidate face when presenting himself in a television ad that might not exist in other campaign situations? He has to make sure he looks presentable to the point of perfection. Radio ads don't require you to look nice and when giving speeches in person the audience won't be seeing you up close. On TV all of America has a front row seat. Any mistake he makes during a televised speeches will also be heard for everyone to hear and maybe even played back over and over. 3. What kind of effect does TV advertising have on the American political process, voter opinion, and election results? TV advertising brings the political election into the homes of America and advertises the candidates and their stances. It can both help and hurt the candidates of any given race depending on how they use their time. If you do it right you can raise your chances of being elected and increase the amount of public votes or you can ruin yourself and waste campaign money by doing what Stevenson did and not thinking about when you were airing your program. 4. Select two ads from either 1952 or 1956, and two ads from 1980 or later. Describe the difference in television of both eras, and how they are reflected in the candidate's presentations. What differences do you notice in the production choices, style, and overall effect of the commercials? What do these changes suggest about how the medium itself has evolved? In 1952 the commercials were fun and advertised the beliefs of the candidate who sponsored them. One of the ads by Eisenhower was a cartoon with a very catchy song that left me wanting to vote for him and another was one of his many "Eisenhower answers America" in which he answers a question asked by 'a common American' In 1988 it was Bush versus Dukakis (who has a funny name). Bush aired two commercials both of which spoke about bad choices of Dukakis and the mistakes he made. He did nothing during his governor term to help with the pollution of the Boston harbor and he decided to give prisoners weekend passes from prison during which one prisoner escaped, kidnapped a couple, killed the man, and raped the woman. Smart moves on his part. 5. The Internet today offers new challenges for presidential candidates. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages for presidential candidates in using this new medium? How has the Internet changed the nature of the American political process, voter opinion, and election results? Advantages of using the internet is that they can get their ads across to America at a lower cost and to a broader audience since nearly everyone uses the internet in this day and age. Disadvantages are that it is so much easier for America to come across and have full on discussions about the follies of the candidates as well. Gossip is spread in a snap. Project: Examine the 2008 Presidential race to gain an understanding of how television ads and Internet ads reflect and address the concerns of the voting public. What issues do you think are the most important to voters? Why did you choose these issues? Remember that political commercials are designed to respond to voters' concerns. 1. From viewing several ads, either from television or the Internet, what do you think Americans' main domestic and international concerns are at this time? How do the ads address these concerns? 2. Describe the specific criticisms of Clinton, Obama, and McCain the ads you viewed address. Do the candidates provide evidence to back up their claims? If so, what is it and are you persuaded? 3. How effective are negative ads? Do you think such ads help a candidate in an election? Or are voter's repelled by such negative tactics? Explain your answer.
Posted by
3/24/2008 06:14:00 AM
Labels: Government, project
Art History-Images-Chap 25
Akiode. Twin Figures (ere ibeji)
Posted by
3/24/2008 06:13:00 AM
Labels: Art History, images
Art History-Africa Summary
Art of Africa in the Modern Era Traditional and Contemporary Africa: Children and the Continuity of Life Mossi culture; wood People of Burkina Faso made it Biiga=Child Plaything for little girls Shows ideals of mature beauty Elaborate hair styles, lovely clothing, developed breasts Wears hair as most little girls do: long projecting lock over face Elongated breasts recall the practice of stretching by massaging for lactation Scars at the naval mimic those applied to women following the birth of their 1st child Yourba culture; wood Female Encourage the birth and growth of children, the figures encourage the birth of children and emphasize health and well-being Have glossy surfaces, rings of fat as evidence they were well fed and marks of mature adulthood Represent hope fort he future, for survival, and prosperity Dossi, Burkina Faso, Bwa Culture Wood, mineral pigments, and fiber Importance marked by tall narrow plank Abstract and represent the spirits that have taken neither human nor animal form Graphics are easily identified The crescent at the top represent eh quarter moon, under which the initiation is held White triangle represent bull roarers (sacred sound makers) 'X' represents the scar that every initiated Bwa wears as a mark of devotion Zigzags represent the path of the ancestors The red hook is supposed to be the beak of a hornbill Sierra Leonne, Mende Culture Wood High glossy forehead, plaited hair style decorated with combs, and creases of abundance around the neck represents the Mende ideal of female beauty Compared to an African butterfly; therefore the girls are like beautiful butterflies emerging from Its ugly chrysalis Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lega Culture Wood, kaolin, and hemp fibers Associated with yananio, the second highest grade Head fashioned into an oval into which a concave, heart shaped face is carved Masks are colored white with clay and fitted with a beard made from hemp fibers Displayed by holding in the hand or attached to a thigh The Spirit World Burkina Faso, Lobi Culture Wood In a pose of mourning Boteba mourns so that the owner won't have to be sad Takes on the burdan of grief Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kongo Culture Wood, nails, pins, blades, and other materials Plain and wooden when first created, bilongo added specific to the owner Nail punched in to get the attention of the spirit Cote d'lvoire, Baule Culture Wood Especial attention to details Nigeria, Yourba Culture Wood Shown as a boy blowing a loud noise to annoy people and also as a wise old man Two faces are joined by hair Heads crown a dance want meant to be carried in performances by priests and followers of Eshu Leadership Ghana, Ashanti Culture Example of the art of leadership Illustrates a story that has multiple meanings when told by a witty owner Carved in 1960s-70s Ghana, Ashanti Culture Silk Originally reserved for state regalia Man wore a single huge piece wrapped like a toga with no belt and the right shoulder bare Women wore two pieces, a skirt and a shawl Begins with a warp pattern that alternate red, green, and yellow (oyokoman ogya da mu) Traditionally only the king was allowed to wear this pattern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Baluba Culture, Kuba Kingdom Wood While the king was alive his ndop was believed to be his double After death it was believed to embody his spirit, which was thought to have power over the fertility of the land and his subjects On the front of his dais is a board for playing mancala (he supposedly introduced he game) Yourba Culture Wood, pigment Asymmetrical composition combines narrative and symbolic scenes in horizontal rectangular panels Tall figures carved in profile end in heads facing out to confront the viewer Long necks and elaborate hairstyles make them appear taller Figures are in such high relief that the upper portions are carved in the round Olowe worked from early 1900s until his death in 1938 Nirergia, Anang Ibibio Culture Wood Given repulsive qualities Swollen features, matte black skin, eneven teeth Skulls at top are images of death Scar on forehead symbolizes the membership in the diviner's cult Death and Ancestors Mali, Dogon Culture Wood Most common Rectangular face supports a superstructure of planks that depict a woman, bird, or lizard with splayed Legs Gabon, Fang Culture Wood Carved in naturalistic style with carefully arranged hairstyle Fully rounded torso, heavily muscled legs and arms Frequent applications of cleansing and purifying palm oil Abonnema village, Nigeria. Ijo culture "Foreheads of the dead" Made of pieces of wood and cane that were joined, nailed, bounds, and pegged together Wears a hat the shows that he is a member of an important men's society called Peri Flanked by assistants, followers, or supporters of the canoe house Originally held weapons Contemporary Art Cote d'lvoire, Guro culture Polychrome wood Acylic and mixed mediums on mood Dense with allusions to Africa's artistic and spiritual heritage Name refers to a culture that thrived in Nigeria and whose naturalistic use of terra-cotta sculpture are the earliest known figurative art from Sub-Sahara Thickly applied paint has built up a surface reminiscent of the painted adobe walls Conical horns at the upper corners evoke the ancestral shrines common in rural communities Motif of concentric circles at the center looks like the traditional bull-roarer sound maker Reduced red clay Asymmetrical Flawless surface like traditional Kenyan pottery
Akiode. Twin Figures (ere ibeji)
called bwami
Posted by
3/24/2008 06:13:00 AM
Labels: Art History, outline
Sunday, March 23, 2008
AP Literature - Cute Little LotF Game Thing
So, I found that Nobel Prize site again, it has a short flash game for Lord of the Flies:
Practice your knowledge of Lord of the Flies! :D
And if you didn't read it, the game's dead easy anyway, so just keep clicking stuff 'til something happens.
The site has some handy info like the meaning behind some of the boys' names (which are pretty appropriate; Roger's is actually a bit of a foreshadowing), and what symbols like the conch or the glasses represent.
Also, I found another nifty site while searching:
It has summaries of what happens in each chapter, tracks the important symbols/themes ("pig", "intellect", etc.), has a list of objects/places, and even details the main characters! Yay!
Posted by
3/23/2008 05:44:00 PM
Labels: Lit