Art of Africa in the Modern Era Traditional and Contemporary Africa: Children and the Continuity of Life Mossi culture; wood People of Burkina Faso made it Biiga=Child Plaything for little girls Shows ideals of mature beauty Elaborate hair styles, lovely clothing, developed breasts Wears hair as most little girls do: long projecting lock over face Elongated breasts recall the practice of stretching by massaging for lactation Scars at the naval mimic those applied to women following the birth of their 1st child Yourba culture; wood Female Encourage the birth and growth of children, the figures encourage the birth of children and emphasize health and well-being Have glossy surfaces, rings of fat as evidence they were well fed and marks of mature adulthood Represent hope fort he future, for survival, and prosperity Dossi, Burkina Faso, Bwa Culture Wood, mineral pigments, and fiber Importance marked by tall narrow plank Abstract and represent the spirits that have taken neither human nor animal form Graphics are easily identified The crescent at the top represent eh quarter moon, under which the initiation is held White triangle represent bull roarers (sacred sound makers) 'X' represents the scar that every initiated Bwa wears as a mark of devotion Zigzags represent the path of the ancestors The red hook is supposed to be the beak of a hornbill Sierra Leonne, Mende Culture Wood High glossy forehead, plaited hair style decorated with combs, and creases of abundance around the neck represents the Mende ideal of female beauty Compared to an African butterfly; therefore the girls are like beautiful butterflies emerging from Its ugly chrysalis Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lega Culture Wood, kaolin, and hemp fibers Associated with yananio, the second highest grade Head fashioned into an oval into which a concave, heart shaped face is carved Masks are colored white with clay and fitted with a beard made from hemp fibers Displayed by holding in the hand or attached to a thigh The Spirit World Burkina Faso, Lobi Culture Wood In a pose of mourning Boteba mourns so that the owner won't have to be sad Takes on the burdan of grief Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kongo Culture Wood, nails, pins, blades, and other materials Plain and wooden when first created, bilongo added specific to the owner Nail punched in to get the attention of the spirit Cote d'lvoire, Baule Culture Wood Especial attention to details Nigeria, Yourba Culture Wood Shown as a boy blowing a loud noise to annoy people and also as a wise old man Two faces are joined by hair Heads crown a dance want meant to be carried in performances by priests and followers of Eshu Leadership Ghana, Ashanti Culture Example of the art of leadership Illustrates a story that has multiple meanings when told by a witty owner Carved in 1960s-70s Ghana, Ashanti Culture Silk Originally reserved for state regalia Man wore a single huge piece wrapped like a toga with no belt and the right shoulder bare Women wore two pieces, a skirt and a shawl Begins with a warp pattern that alternate red, green, and yellow (oyokoman ogya da mu) Traditionally only the king was allowed to wear this pattern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Baluba Culture, Kuba Kingdom Wood While the king was alive his ndop was believed to be his double After death it was believed to embody his spirit, which was thought to have power over the fertility of the land and his subjects On the front of his dais is a board for playing mancala (he supposedly introduced he game) Yourba Culture Wood, pigment Asymmetrical composition combines narrative and symbolic scenes in horizontal rectangular panels Tall figures carved in profile end in heads facing out to confront the viewer Long necks and elaborate hairstyles make them appear taller Figures are in such high relief that the upper portions are carved in the round Olowe worked from early 1900s until his death in 1938 Nirergia, Anang Ibibio Culture Wood Given repulsive qualities Swollen features, matte black skin, eneven teeth Skulls at top are images of death Scar on forehead symbolizes the membership in the diviner's cult Death and Ancestors Mali, Dogon Culture Wood Most common Rectangular face supports a superstructure of planks that depict a woman, bird, or lizard with splayed Legs Gabon, Fang Culture Wood Carved in naturalistic style with carefully arranged hairstyle Fully rounded torso, heavily muscled legs and arms Frequent applications of cleansing and purifying palm oil Abonnema village, Nigeria. Ijo culture "Foreheads of the dead" Made of pieces of wood and cane that were joined, nailed, bounds, and pegged together Wears a hat the shows that he is a member of an important men's society called Peri Flanked by assistants, followers, or supporters of the canoe house Originally held weapons Contemporary Art Cote d'lvoire, Guro culture Polychrome wood Acylic and mixed mediums on mood Dense with allusions to Africa's artistic and spiritual heritage Name refers to a culture that thrived in Nigeria and whose naturalistic use of terra-cotta sculpture are the earliest known figurative art from Sub-Sahara Thickly applied paint has built up a surface reminiscent of the painted adobe walls Conical horns at the upper corners evoke the ancestral shrines common in rural communities Motif of concentric circles at the center looks like the traditional bull-roarer sound maker Reduced red clay Asymmetrical Flawless surface like traditional Kenyan pottery
Akiode. Twin Figures (ere ibeji)
called bwami
Newest Assignments and Dates (If assignment is online it shall be stated below)
- 03-17-2008 - 03-21-2008 -Spring Break (FREEDOM)
- 03-21-2008 -Art History Outline and images
- Still during spring break: Read Lord of the Flies for techniques/devices, 3 allusions due.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Art History-Africa Summary
There are more than 1,000 different languages
The modern era begins with the European exploration and subsequent colonization of the African continent
They were followed by Christian missionaries
Drawn by the potential wealth of resources European governments began to seek territorial concessions
Following WW I
Nationalistic movements arose across Africa
Africa has affected and has been affected by contacts with different people
Modern African artists who have come of age in post-colonial culture that mingles European and African elements can draw on the influence of many cultures
Traditional societies persists in Africa
Art plays a vital role in the spiritual and social life of the communities
In the harsh environments of Africa, life is fragile
Women have kids hoping they will make it to adulthood
It is a disaster for a woman to not have a child for the woman, husband, and the husbands lineage
Woman who have trouble having children appeal for help using special offerings, sometimes including art
25-2 Doll (Biiga)
Children do not out grow their Biiga dolls; when they marry the young woman brings it with her to her husbands home as a fertility aid
The Yoruba people of Nigeria have the highest birth rate of twins
The birth of twins is a joyful occasion, but also troubling
Africans believe that a dead child's spirit continues its life in a spirit world and that the parent's care and affection may reach it there
It is believed that the spirit of a dead twin honored may bring the parents luck and blessings
Concentrated and the acquisition of knowledge may be supplemented by physical tests and trial of endurance to prove that the candidate is equal tot eh hardships of adult life
Bwa people of Burkina Faso initiate men and women at the start of puberty
Taught about the world of nature spirits and about the wooden masks that represent them
They memorize the stories of each spirit and how to make a costume from hemp to be worn with the masks
When they return they have a ceremony to show the community what they have learned
25-4 Two Masks in Performance
Mende people of Sierra Leone initiate girls through an organized society of women called Sande
Sande women wear black gloves and stockings, black costumes of shredded raffia fibers that cover entire body, and black masks called nowo
25-5 Female Ancestral Mask (Nowo)
Lega people from the forests have a political system based on voluntarily association
Based on individuals characteristics and ability to pay initiation fees
Standards are illustrated by natural and crafted objects, which are presented to the initiate as signs of membership
Bwami Mask
To communicate with these spirits African societies rely on a specialist
Lobi people of Burkina Faso believe the spirits of nature are known as thila and control every aspect of life
Thila are invisible, but when adversity strike the Lobi may consult a diviner to who may perscribe the carving of a wooden figure called boteba (gives a thila a physical form)
25-7 Spirit Figure (Boteba)
Kongo and Songye people of the Congo create the mort potent images of power in African art
The best known of these are large wooden nkonde, which bristle with nails, pins, blades, and other sharp objects
Drawing on vast knowledge, the diviner prescribes magical ingredients called bilongo specific to the clients problems
Others endow the figure with powers or focus the powers in a certain direction
To activate the power clients drive a nail into the figure to get the spirit's attention
25-8 Power Figue (Nkisi Nkonde)
Some African peoples see the spirit world as a parallel realm where spirits have families, ect. Such as the Baule people in Cote d'lvoire
Dviner may prescribe the carving of an image of the spirit spouse
Figures are cared for by owner, they are fed, oiled, and clothed
Believed that if they are well cared for the spirits will return the balance to the human life and everything will run smoothly
25-9 Spirit Spouse (blolo bla)
Nature spirits are common in African art and major deities are generally considered to be far removed from everyday life and are thus rarely depicted
Such is the case with the creator god of the Yourba people, Olodumare
People have a sizable pantheon of lesser gods, or orisha, who serve as intermediates between Olodumare and his creation
One of these commonly depicted is Eshu, the messenger of the gods
May be represent as male or female, a young prankster or an old man
25-10 Dance Staff Depicting Eshu
Art in Africa is used to indentify those who hold power, to validate their right to kingship or their authority as representatives, and to communicate the rules for moral behavior
Ashanti people of Ghana
Advisers carry staffs of office
25-1 Kojo Bonsu. Finial of a Spokesperson's Staff
Use gold for jewelry as do other peoples in the regions, but Ashanti thought of gold as a major source of power
Renowned for the beauty of their woven textiles called kente
Weavers work on small, light, horizontal looms that produce long narrow strips of cloth
Longs strips produced by the loom are then cut to size and sewn together to form large rectangles of finished kente cloth
Kente Cloth
Kuba people of the Democratic Republic of Congo produced elaborate and sophisticated political art
Kings were memorialized by portrait sculpture called ndop
Royal Portrait Figure (ndop) of Shyaam a-mbul
Did not try to capture a physical likeness of each king-Each king is identified by an icon called ibol carved as port of the dais on which he is seated
Kings of the Yoruba people manifested their power through the large, complex palaces in which they lived
Highly descriptive figure carving covered doors
25-13 Olowe of Ise. Door from Royal Palace in Ikere, Nigeria
Not all of African people centralized power in a single ruler
Anang Ibibio people of Nigeria were ruled by a man's society called Ekpo
Expressed power in part through art
Especially large, cark, frightening masks
25-14 Ekpo Mask
Mark the initiation of the newly dead into the community of the spirits
Dogon people of Mali-Collective funeral rite with masks is held every 12-13 years (called dama)
Masks perform to the sound of gunfire to drive the soul of the dead from the village
25-15 Kanaga Mask
Fang people near the Atlantic coast follow an ancestral religion in which the long bones and skulls of ancestors who have performed great deeds are collected and placed together in a cylindrical container called nsekh o byeri
On the top of the container was a wooden figure called nlo byeri, which represent the ancestors and guards their relics from malevolent spirit forces
Layout Fang Village is also symmetrical with pairs of houses facing each other across a large public meeting house
25-16 Reliquary Guardian (nlo byeri)
Value an attitude of quiet composure, of reflection, and tranquility
The most complex funerary art in Africa are the memorial ancestral screens made by the Ijo people of SE Nigeria
When the head of the house died a screen was made in his memory
Each screen commemorates a specific individual the central figure was not intended as a physical likeness
Identity communicated through attributes of status that the deceased had the right to wear
25-17 Ancestral Screen (duen fobara)
As new experiences pose new challenges or offer new opportunities, art change with them
Guro people continue to commission masks dressed with costly textiles and other materials
Added inscriptions in French and depictions of contemporary figures to sculptural forms
25-18 Spirit Mask in Performance
African artists study art in Europe and the US
Received French and traditional African schooling
25-19 Ouattara. Nok Culture
Ceramics have also caught the international attention
Some women have achieved broader recognition as artists
Magdalene Odundo
Draws inspiration from a tremendous variety of coursed
African and non-African
Magdalene Odundo. Asymmetrical Angled Piece
Posted by
3/24/2008 06:13:00 AM
Labels: Art History, outline
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